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- Agog! Press: Annual Australian magazine of exciting, compulsively readable stories in the fantastic genres of SF, horror and general fantasy.
- Alba: Harold Bowes, Editor. An on-line magazine of short poetry, some of it speculative.
- Albedo One: Irish Spec Fic magazine for over ten years. The only Irish magazine of its kind.
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact: Stanley Schmidt, Editor, 475 Park Avenue South, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10016. E-mail: Science fiction stories and fact articles. Payment: 6-8c/wd for stories to 7500 wds; $450-600 for stories between 7500 and 10,000 wds; 5-6c/wd for longer material. Articles: 6c/wd. Payment is on acceptance.
- Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine: Australian SF print magazine.
- Ansible: Dave Langford’s magazine of news and personal, commentary of happenings in the world of speculative lit. E-mail:
- Aphelion: Aphelion is now in its fourth year of providing the best amateur fiction by new and established writers. Each submission is provided constructive criticism to better aid the new writer in improving their craft.
- Asimov’s Science Fiction: Sheila Willliams, Editor, 475 Park Ave. South, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10016. One of the top three magazines in the field; winner of multiple awards for both the magazine itself and its stories and poems.
- Asterism: The Journal of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Space Music: Jeff Berkwits, Editor; 3525 Lebon Drive, #201, San Diego, CA 92122-4547, Publishes reviews. “Inquire before submitting, needs are limited and quite specific.” Circ. 2001. 4/yr. 28 pp; 51/2×81/2; offset. No payment. Copyrighted, reverts to author. NO WEBSITE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE.
- Aurealis: Australia’s premiere SF&F magazine.
- Ballista: ISSN 1750-6646
ed.s Paul Neads & Andrew Myers
issued every April & October
52pp+ / approx 10 stories per issue
UK GBP£3.50 / £10.00 3 issue subscription; Europe £4.50 / £13.00; Rest of World: £5.50 / £16.00
Mucusart Publications, 6 Chiffon Way, Trinity, Gtr Manchester M3 6AB UK
Short story supernatural fiction: horror, paranormal, psychological, occult, macabre – even SF, dark fantasy & the downright bizarre will be considered. Open submissions, max 4000 words to the editors or post. Author’s payment £5.00 + complimentary copy. Further details
Issue 1 features work from the UK & USA, including contributions from H.Ann Dyess, John Light, Rosie Lugosi & Dermot Glennon amongst others
- Bardic Runes: Michael McKenny, Editor; 424 Cambridge Street South, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 4H5, Canada. Poetry, fiction, art. Traditional and high fantasy, primarily short stories. Settings are pre-industrial, either historical or imaginary. Length: 3500 wds max. Circ. 500. 2/yr. Reporting time: usually within 2 weeks. Payment: on acceptance, 1/2c wd. Copyrighted, reverts to author. Subscription price: $10.00 for 3 issues; $4.00 copy. NO WEBSITE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE.
- Bewildering Stories: features experimental writing, especially in science fiction, fantasy, and horror. All genres are welcome: novels, short stories, poetry, drama, articles and non-fiction. Artwork gratefully accepted, as well.
- Bull Spec: Bull Spec is a magazine of speculative fiction — roughly, science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, and a few other bits around the edges — published quarterly from Durham, North Carolina.
- Black Gate: Adventures in Fantasy Literature: John O’Neill, Editor & Publisher. New Epoch Press, Inc., Att: Submissions, 815 Oak Street, St. Charles, IL 60174. Electronic submissions E-subs should be in plain text pasted into the body of an e-mail. Adventure fantasy. Payment: 3-6c/wd up to 6000 wds; $240-420 from 6000 to 14, 000 wds; 3c/wd for longer pieces and non-fiction. Pays on acceptance. Also looking for art & comics.
- Black Moon Magazine: Black Moon Publishing, Armand Rosamilia, Editor; 1385 Route 35, Suite 169, Middletown, NJ 07748. Poetry, fiction, interviews, music. Horror. “Looking for horror fiction to 3550 wds, band press kits, fanzines to review, books to review, dark poetry.” 44 pp.; 81/2×11; offset. Reporting time: 2-4 wks. Payment: 1 free copy, discounts on more. Copyrighted, reverts to author. Subscription price: $24, 9 issues/yr., $3.95/copy. NO WEBSITE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE.
- Book of Dark Wisdom: William Jones, Editor, Elder Signs Press, PO Box 389, Lake Orion, MI 48361-0389. Lovecraftian dark fiction/poetry/art. Fiction: 5000 words or less; query for longer work; flash and short shorts OK; payment: 1c-5c/wd, min. $5. Poetry: 150 wds. max.; $5/poem. Art: color cover art; B&W line art, photographs, grayscale for interior art; $75 for cover, $5-15 for interior. Submit in JPG or TIFF (preferred). Send mail submissions to address above; electronic submissions in Word or RTF
- Borderlands Magazine: Magazine of Australian science fiction, fantasy and horror stories. Crosslisted.
- Boy’s Life Magazine: Fiction Editor, 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, PO Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079. Tel: 972-580-2366. SF/Mys/Adv/Humor that appeals to 12 year old boys. Published by Boy Scouts of America. Fiction: 1000-1500 wds; $750 and up.
- Century: Includes excerpts from the most recent issue of this literary-minded speculative fiction “quarterly” (their production schedule is a bit erratic).
- Challenging Destiny: New Fantasy & Science Fiction: Dave Switzer, Editor & Publisher. A biannual print magazine of SF&F fiction. Two of their stories have been honorable mentions in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror anthology and one reprinted in The Best of the Rest. Price per issue: $7.50 Can/$6.50 US; subscriptions: $24 Can/$20 US/$7 (USD) International.
- Chiaroscuro: quarterly horror magazine, since July 1999; beautiful design.
- The Crescent Review: J.T. Holland, Editor; PO Box 7959, S. Brunswick, NC 28470-7959, Publishes short stories: primarily mainstream, but also genres of mystery & myth. SASE for guidelines. No submissions in May-June or November-December. Max. wd. ct. 12,000. Circ. 2M. 3-4 yr. 160 pp.; 6×9; offset. Reporting time: 90% in 8 wks, 10% in 3 mos.Simultaneous submissions accepted. Payment: 2 copies. Copyrighted, reverts to author. 4 issues/yr. Subscription price: $21; $9/copy.
- Cyber Age Adventures: This magazine publishes only superhero stories, since January 1999.
- Dark Animus: James R. Cain, Editor. “Dark, gritty, pulp fiction, SF/H/F/Weird . other.. Submissions by email only to, with “submission” in subject line. Fiction: 8000 wds max., 2000-4000 preferred; RTF format; as of #8, Payment will be ¼ c/wd AU plus contributer.s copy. Poetry: 30 lines max; “dark, gritty, literary poems that stir the emotions;” submit in body of e-mail Seeks to promote the work of Australian authors.
- Dark Planet: A strong, well-designed online magazine featuring fiction, poetry, and non-fiction.
- Dark Regions: The Year’s Best Fantastic Fiction: Joe Morey, Editor, Dark Regions Press, 30 Canyon View Drive, Orinda, CA 94563. 2-4 issues per year. Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror. Payment: 1-6c per wd. Copyrighted, reverts to author.
- Dreams & Nightmares: David C. Kopaska-Merkel, Editor, 1300 Kicker Road, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404. $12 for 6 issues. The longest continually running magazine of speculative poetry.
- The Edge : A semi-prozine that has recently featured fiction by Michael Bishop and Greg Frost, among others.
- EidolonNet: Australian SF Online: Newsmagazine of Australian SF awards, conventions, authors, books, magazines, workshops, reviews, etc.
- Emerald City : An online magazine of science fiction and fantasy — primarily book reviews.
- EOTU Ezine: a semi-pro bi-monthly web zine that publishes fiction, art & poetry of all genres, including science fiction, fantasy and horror. EOTU was a paper zine in the 80’s – early 90’s, now they’re on line.
- Fables: Online semi-prozine, published quarterly.
- Fantasy and Science Fiction Online: A companion site to the print magazine, with story excerpts, book reviews, past editorials, and more.
- Full Unit Hookup: Mark Rudolph, Editor, 622 W Cottom Ave., New Albany, IN 47150-5011. A print magazine that publishes poetry, fiction and essays, some speculative. The first issue contains an essay on speculative poetry by Mark Rich.
- Very popular horror magazine/site.
- Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine (GUD): GUD Magazine transcends and encompasses the audiences of both genre and literary fiction by featuring fiction, art, poetry, essays and reports, and short drama. We are a print/pdf magazine with over two hundred pages per issue, and we pay semi-pro advance and royalties to all contributors. Contact, submission, and subscription information can be found at the website.
- Gryphonwood: A quarterly print and online magazine for readers and writers of fantasy fiction. The first issue was released on September 15th, 2004. Gryphonwood is a paying market. Contact and submission information can be found at the website.
- Ideomancer: Online magazine of speculative fiction, featuring stories of the supernatural, the unexplained, & the undiscovered.
- Indian Science Fiction and Fantasy: India’s first Sci Fi and Fantasy magazine – free content, great stories, eGreetings, eInsults, make pals and audio / graphic animated downloads!
- The Infinite Matrix: “A magazine for people who enjoy science fiction as a literature of ideas, edited by Eileen Gunn.”
- Interzone: The online counterpart to the British magazine.
- Jupiter: A quarterly print magazine for Science Fiction stories and poetry.
- Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet: Gavin Grant and Kelly Link, Editors, Small Beer Press, Inc., 360 Atlantic Avenue, PMB #132, Brooklyn, NY 11217. Experimental/slipstream/interstitial. Short fiction and poetry.
- Lakeside Circus: Lakeside Circus is a short-form speculative fiction magazine, published quarterly by Dagan Books, LLC. We produce the magazine for sale in multiple ebook formats, and then release most of the content online over the course of three months (free to read). ISSN 2331-5164; Editor-in-Chief: Carrie Cuinn.
- The Lorelai Signal: Ed. Carol Hightshoe. “The Lorelei Signal is a web based magazine dedicated to featuring strong female characters in Fantasy short stories.”
- The Magazine of Speculative Poetry: Roger Dutcher, Editor, P.O. Box 564, Beloit, WI 53512. There are few magazines that specialize in speculative poetry and this is one of the best; the editor is knowledgeable and regularly publishes outstanding work by top writers in the field as well as newcomers.
- Mythic Delirium: Mike Allen, Editor, 3514 Signal Hill Avenue NW, Roanoke, VA 24017-5148. Bi-annual journal that publishes science fiction, fantasy, horror, surreal and cross-genre poetry. [NB: the magazine is currently closed to submissions due to overstock.]
- Mytholog: [E-zine] Asher Black, Editor-in-Chief; Clear Glass, Editor; Mari Miller-Lamb, Fiction Editor; Asher Black, Poetry Editor. A quarterly collection of stories and poems, essays and reviews, writers and editors, illustrations and artists, that find myth in places odd and ordinary.
- Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine: Neo-opsis is a quarterly science fiction magazine, published in Victoria BC, Canada.
- Oceans of the Mind: A subscription only science fiction magazine distributed quarterly via e-mail in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
- Of Unicorns & Space Stations: Gene Davis, Editor, 1472 West 2450 South, Woods Cross, UT 84087. Poetry, fiction, art in areas of fantasy and science fiction.
- On Spec: Canadian magazine publishing speculative fiction since the spring of 1989. Crosslisted.
- Orb: Annual magazine showcasing work by Australian writers and artists in the genres of speculative fiction, SF, fantasy, magical realism, horror, and non-realist fantasy.
- other Magazine: Charlie Anders and Annalee Newitz, Editors, 584 Castro Street, #674, San Francisco, CA 94114;. E-mail: A literary/political magazine that publishes some science fiction.
- Planet Magazine: Planet is one of the oldest spec fic magazines online.
- Polyphony: Print magazine showcasing stories by new and established authors.
- Raven Electrick: Karen A. Romanko, Editor. “A lively and entertaining e-zine featuring short stories and poems in the fantasy, science fiction, horror and mystery genres. Raven’s tastes are eclectic, with sub-genres ranging from ‘cyberpunk’ to ‘cozy’ sleuth, sword and sorcery to hardboiled ‘noir,’ space opera to vampire yarn, and anything in between. Pays $10 for stories up to 1000 wds, and poems to 40 lines. Submit stories as rtf or txt files, and poems in the body of an email. See site for details of submission periods and other info.
- Rogue Worlds: A new specfic magazine.
- The Romantist: F. Marion Crawford Memorial Society, John C. Moran, Editor; Steve Eng, Co-Editor; Jesse F. Knight, Co-Editor; Saracinesca House, 3610 Meadowbrook Ave., Nashville, TN 37205. Founded 1977. Publishes poetry, articles, art, photos, interviews, criticism, reviews, letters, long-poems, collages. Modern Romanticism, especially imaginative literature (fantasy): H. Warner Munn, Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, etc., with regular section on Crawford. Circ. 300, 1 per yr. 160pp, 81/2×11, offset, letterpress. Payment: 1 copy. Copyrighted, rights do not revert, but permission to reprint given with no charge except requirement to mention first publication here. NO WEBSITE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE.
- Scheherazade: size A4, beautifully illustrated; issue 26 writers include Liz Williams and Karen Traviss.
- Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature: Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy magazine edited by Van Ikin and published since 1977.
- SciFantastic: “For all SF/F enthusiasts. Submit your short story here and we guarantee you some feedback!”
- Sci Fiction: New science fiction stories each week, with classic reprints. Edited by Ellen Datlow
- Simulacrum: The Magazine Of Speculative Transformation: Bimonthly speculative fiction magazine in PDF format.
- Snow Monkey: Kathy Rantala and Christiel Cottrell, Editors. A magazine that is both print and on-line. Print submissions and subscriptions to the Editors at PO Box 127, Edmonds, WA 98020.
- Stephen Hunt’s SF Online magazine with the distinction of being the most popular SF site in Europe.
- Strange Horizons: Weekly web-based magazine of and about speculative fiction.
- Storyteller Magazine: Canada’s short story magazine. Publishes all genres of fiction, including horror, science fiction and fantasy.
- Talebones: Patrick and Honna Swenson, Editors. Dark fantasy fiction, non-fiction, poetry, interviews, art. Semi-pro magazine that publishes many pro authors. Per issue: $6 US/$8 Can/$11 Int. Subscriptions: $20/$28/$40.
- The 3rd Alternative: The website of the award-winning, professional SF print magazine. Contains extracts from the magazines, news and information, index, back issues, secure online credit card ordering facility, and lots of interactive content including story polls and message boards for the likes of China Mieville, M John Harrison, Muriel Gray, Michael Marshall Smith, Graham Joyce and many others.
- Ticonderoga Online: Online magazine dedicated to gonzo SF & the bizarre, based in Australia.
- Ultraverse E-Zine of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Chris Africa, Editor & Publisher; William I. Lengeman III, Contributing Editor; Stephanie Kidwell and Kara Koester, Poetry Editors. Submissions to: Submit as text in the body of an email (see details on site). Publishes poetry of 50 lines max.; short stories from 2,000-10,000 wds; author interviews; book reviews; news items and announcements of new novels by its contributors. Also accepts a SciFiMage for each issue: an original image or a link to someone else’s image on the web, about which Editor Africa will write a short story. Not at present a paying market, but hopes to become one.
- Vestal Review: A flash fiction prozine, whose writers have been published in Atlantic Unbound, Zoetrope ASE and Mississippi Review. Its publisher is a Pushcart Prize nominee, and its editor is the author of a collection of stories forthcoming from Ballantine Books.
- Wicked Hollow: The Journal of Dark Literature: E-zine publishing “character-driven, atmospheric, emotive short stories.”