Genesis Membership Drive
Hello everyone! The Genesis Membership Drive is back. Since March, we’ve been able to revamp the website, upgrade our membership experience, introduce more Deep Dives, and most excitingly offer the SLF’s first ever Courses.
The SLF was founded in 2004 to support speculative literature, and has been giving grants to writers ever since. We’re continuing to expand our offerings in 2022 and to do that, we need a steady source of operating funds.
With this drive we hope to gain 50 new members! Membership starts at $2 / month at the Photon tier, which gives you access to our Discord, Writer Encouragement Letters, and a yearly $5 off of any course or event. In hopes of encouraging higher literary quality in the community, we will be providing free weekend panels from successful editors, writers, and other experts in the field from November 19 – December 19. Check our events page for more info.
Can you help us reach our goal?
Our Goals

5 New Members
- First five people to sign up will be gifted a $5 off coupon for choice of course
10 New Members
- We will send out a member survey on who we take a Deep Dive with in 2023
15 New Members
- We will offer more Deep Dish reading events in 2023
- We will host ask-the-expert sessions on Discord
20 New Members
- More Portolan Project content, including Deep Dive interviews with authors and editors like John Kessel, Nisi Shawl, Sheila Williams, and more.
25 New Members
- SLF director, Mary Anne Mohanraj, will teach a free Zoom workshop on crowdfunding
50 New Members
- Begin developing a small/indie press co-op beta
- Launch the first intro to fiction mentor & cohort – by spring 2023

25 New Members
- More Portolan Project content, including Deep Dive interviews with authors and editors, as well as additional educational modules
50 New Members
- Our SLF director, Mary Anne Mohanraj, will teach a free Zoom workshop on crowdfunding
75 New Members
- Launch the first intro to fiction mentor & cohort – by spring 2023
100 New Members
- We will offer more Deep Dish reading events
Stretch Goals
150 New Members
- We will be able to provide scholarships for our courses
200 New Members
- We will…
250 New Members
- We will offer a new grant
320 New Members (Double our Current Membership count!)
- The SLF will develop and host a new SLF podcast focused on children’s speculative fiction lead by Darius Vinesar, a writer with love for the stories he read in youth.
Drive Panels
During the drive, we’ll be hosting free panels for the public on different aspects of writing, editing, and more. Please register if interested in attending, and we’ll contact you with Zoom details when finalized.
For updates on more future events, programs, panels, and upcoming grant deadline sign-up for our monthly newsletter.
On Editing
November 19, 2022 | 1-2 PM CST
Join us for a panel on editing with Hugo award winning former editor of Tor, Diana Pho, and indie editor of MRK’d Up Editing, Mia Kleve.
Panelists: Diana Pho and Mia Kleve.
Hosted by: SLF Director Mary Anne Mohanraj
Register for Panel
Panel topic and guests TBD
November 26/27, 2022 | Time TBD
Panel topic and guests TBD
December 3/4, 2022 | Time TBD
On Editing
December 10, 2022 | 2-3 PM CST
Join us for a panel on editing with former editor of Tor, Beth Meacham.
Panelists: Beth Meacham
Hosted by: SLF Director Mary Anne Mohanraj