Welcome to the SLF blog! Here’s where we’ll post the occasional announcement, SLF good news, staff content, and more! If you want to be notified when we post, you can sign up for our Newsletter below and check the “Subscribe to the SLF blog” box. Alternatively, you can follow our RSS feed.
2022 Year-End Letter
2022 Year-End Letter Dear SF/F Writing & Reading Community, This is the Speculative Literature Foundation’s end-of-year / start-of-year letter, where I try to recap a
Our Deep Dish Reading Series Is Back
Our Deep Dish Reading Series Is Back We first started the Deep Dish reading series in the October of 2017, with SFWA and the CNSC,
Announcing the Winners of the 2022 Diverse Writers and Diverse Worlds Grants
The Speculative Literature Foundation is pleased to announce Khalifaziz B. as the winner of the 2022 Diverse Writers Grant and Ash Huang as the winner
6 Things We Learned at ChiCon8
Two weeks ago, the SLF went to ChiCon8, the 80th World Science Fiction Convention. Here are some things we learned: 1.) If you find out
Announcing the Winner of the 2022 Older Writers’ Grant
The Speculative Literature Foundation is pleased to announce that Terence Kuch is the 2022 Older Writers’ Grant winner. Kuch received the grant for his
SLF Courses Are Here
SLF Presents: Courses Introducing SLF Courses! Courses are virtual classes focused on helping writers master different writing methods and sharpen their understanding and use of

Search For Brightness: On Salmon Rushdie’s Attack
I heard the news about the attack on Salman Rushdie yesterday, that he’d been giving a reading at a peaceful literary event, and a young
A Report from Calabar
A Report from Calabar We just received a fascinating report from Justin Clement, winner of our 2020 Travel Grant, on his travels in Calabar, Nigeria.
SLF Update Re: Membership, Deep Dish Reading, and More
SLF Update Re: Membership, Deep Dish Reading, and More Hello everyone! You might have noticed already, but there has been lots going on at the