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Announcing the Winner of the 2018 Older Writers Grant
The Speculative Literature Foundation is pleased to announce J Tullos Hennig and Ann Dávila Cardinal as the winners of the 2018 Older Writers Grant. The $500
Deep Dish — June and March
Deep Dish June and March 2018 Just a quick note to remind folks that we have a great reading coming up this Thursday, featuring Ada
SLF Newsletter June 1, 2018
SLF Newsletter June 1, 2018 LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR: Hello! Not so much a letter as just a quick note that the
Announcing the Winner of the 2017 Working Class Writers Grant
The Speculative Literature Foundation is pleased to announce LD Lewis as the winner of the 2017 Working Class Writers Grant. Lewis, who volunteers as Art
Deep Dish December 2017
Deep Dish December 2017 Great Deep Dish SFF reading at Volumes Bookcafe last night — thanks again to all the readers and speakers (Mary Robinette
Join us on Drip!
We’re running our winter fundraiser on Kickstarter’s new Drip system, a way to pledge a little or a lot to support your favorite arts projects.
Deep Dish – December Reading in Chicago
We’ve finalized the line-up for Deep Dish SFF at Volumes Book Cafe on 12/7 @ 7 p.m. We have: Featured novelist: Ada Palmer Debut novelists:
Diversity Grants Winner Announced
Erin Roberts is the Winner of the 2017 Diverse Writers and Diverse Worlds Grant From the Speculative Literature Foundation The Speculative Fiction Foundation has awarded
Deep Dish Reading Sat 10/7!
Join novelist Mary Robinette Kowal, debut novelist Cath Schaff-Stump, host Mary Anne Mohanraj, plus Chris Bauer, Richard Chwedyk, and Meg Khoury for the inaugural Deep