2024 Illustration of the Year Winner Angela Hedrick

Thank you Angela Hedrick, for your wonderful submission to the SLF’s 2023 Illustration of the Year, “Pursuit.” Look for Hedrick’s artwork on our site, as well as future SLF newsletters, promo, and other content!

What inspired me to create “Pursuit” was the idea of mixing science fiction, fantasy, and everyday life. The plan was to create a character working on something normal and relatable but having them in a fantastical setting. The piece came together as I tried to mix all these elements. I thought having the person in the piece be a writer would be a good focal point because SLF is an organization focused on creating stories. By creating a warm atmosphere in the room surrounded by plants, I separate it from the cold outer background of space. The room itself isn’t fantastical, but we are greeted by deep space instead of greenery through the window. I added detail to the wall to make it look metallic so there is a connection between the two spaces. I named it “Pursuit” because the writer in the piece is pursuing her writing dreams. Meanwhile, in the background, the spaceships are pursuing their goals, and the viewer is left to wonder and imagine their destinations.
I hope others will be inspired by this piece. The character inside this piece created a warm, welcoming environment in space, which couldn’t have been easy. Yet, I think individuals can accomplish anything with enough grit and drive.
– Angela Hedrick on the inspiration behind “Pursuit”
Angela Hedrick: “My friends have described me as a polymath because of all my interests and hobbies. I enjoy creating whimsical scenes in my art, fabricating magical places through my writing, and exploring worlds as an avid reader. As a disabled half-Asian-American, I want to see more characters who represent people like myself. So, I decided to create my own art pieces and stories including protagonists I can relate to. I am currently a freelance artist. My family includes my loving husband (of 20 years) and my two cats. I like to relax in the evenings by playing video games while listening to audiobooks. As a lifelong learner, I am always striving to do more and improve my crafts.”
You can find out more about Hedrick and her art on her website: https://ahcreativehub.com/