We’re so thrilled that we’ve raised more than $5000 dollars and met our funding goal (on the final day, whew!), and we’re looking forward to start working on fulfilling all those lovely rewards. For all those who backed the project or helped spread the word, thank you so much for your support, and we hope you’re just as happy as we are. 🙂

If you’re not already a SLF newsletter subscriber (members will be automatically subscribed), you may want to sign up here, to be sure you get future notes about events and programs: https://speculativeliterature.org/newsletter/

We’d also love it if you followed us on Facebook and/or Twitter — it’ll help keep you informed, and if you can help us spread the word about our grant opportunities, classes, etc., that would be super-helpful; the algorithms for social media often don’t show things to people these days without a little help:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/speculativeliterature

Twitter: https://twitter.com/speclit

WOOT! Free writing lessons for the world, on their way!