I was honored to be on the Fiction/Non/Fiction podcast as part of their 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 celebration. We talked about all kinds of things — the role of science fiction in inspiring a better future, what happens when the real world outpaces your science fictional imaginings, the ways in which nationalism can fuel a space race but also make things terrible, capitalism and its discontents, etc. and so on. 🙂

Season 2, episode 22 features me and Jonathan Fetter-Vorm, and is out today on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and wherever else you like to get your podcasts.

To subscribe, just search for the “Fiction/Non/Fiction podcast”(with the slashes) in one of those apps. Their show page, where you can listen to the show and read a transcribed excerpt of your interview, is up on Lit Hub’s front page. Here’s a link to that:

Jonathan Fetter-Vorm and Mary Anne Mohanraj on the Anniversary of Apollo 11 and Space Exploration

I had a great time talking with hosts Sugi Ganeshananthan and Whitney Terrell! I think my segment is about 30 minutes, but we could have talked for hours. 🙂